There might be another way, but this is how I did it. Most importantly, as with every application.

Press the link on the right side and wait for download to complete.Search for the command line package you want to download (I'm going to use the latest stable Command Line tools for Xcode 10 and macOS Mojave).Sign in with your Apple ID if you need to.To be able to code, test, and debug inside the same window, this download will certainly save development time. It is a small package of ~183Mb which I think it's enough to be downloaded via your browser. Xcode is the perfect tool for experienced developers. If command line tools are not installed run: xcode-select -install Share answered at 17:23 user3476766 729 6 6 6 Simple and effective. This just happened to me and I'm writing this as a note-to-self but also to share this with others who might be facing a similar situation. To check if command line tools are installed run: xcode-select -version // if installed you will see the below with the version found in your system // xcode-select version 1234.

xip file while using a browser, regardless of which one it is, can be a pain when your connection is not as stable and fast as others' and when the download can be interrupted at any time and you're most likely going to have to restart the whole download. Downloading Xcode from the App Store, or even the.